RDP Profile Editor

The Profile Editor is the tool to create, configure and edit Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server Access Profiles.

The first thing you have to consider is if you want to create an RDP Profile, a Web Link profile or an RD Web Access Profile.

These options are represented by the 'RDP Profile'/'Web Link'/'RD Web Access' radio button.

- An RDP Profile: is a Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Server connection to a machine or an application.

- A Web Link profile: is a link to an external Restrictions

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website of your choice, which will be presented along with the profiles to the user. Read More.

- An RD Web Access: is an administrator profile to populate Microsoft RD Web Access remote apps and desktops links in the user view. Read More.

This sections explains the RDP Profile Editor, so if you are here and you want to create a Weblink profile, check the 'Web Link' radio button and read about the Web Link Profile Editor and if you want to create an RD Web Access profile, check the 'RD Web Access' option and read about the RD Web Access Editor.

This is the RDP Profile Editor General tab view:

These are the profile properties you can edit:

The properties located inside the tabs will be described throughout the next subtopics.

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