Web Profile Manager
With the 6.0 version of Thinfinity® Remote Desktop, you will find a completely revamped Web Profile Manager, in which you'll be able to configure all aspects of your Access Profiles from within the browser itself.
In here, you'll find the steps to create a new connection:
By default, the option to create new connections on the Thinfinity® landing page, is enabled and visible. This is seen as a "[+]" on the Thinfinity® Remote Desktop Manager, on the Access Profiles tab, like so:
With the New button activated, you will be able to see if on the Thinfinity® Remote Desktop landing page:
After clicking on the New button, you'll see the revamped New Access window that allows you to choose from all the Access types of profiles that Thinfinity® has to offer. Those being Remote Desktop, VNC/RFB, a Terminal connection and Web Link. You also have the Label feature that allows you to create subfolders to better organize your Thinfinity® landing page
Another feature new to the Thinfinity® Remote Desktop 6.0 is the ability to edit existing profiles in all aspects, same as on the client application. To be able to modify an existing connection, you would only need to click on the Edit button in the form of a pen, above the profile icon:
And lastly, you can also modify the credentials used for existing creations by clicking on the key icon above the profile icon:
For more information on how to set up each connection, and how to edit existing profiles, continue reading from these links:
Last updated